Dr. Petra Thorn | Langener Str. 37 | 64546 Mörfelden |06105 22629 | mail@pthorn.de | You can reach me best between 9.00 and 12.00 a.m.
Contact Form
Welcome !
I have been working as a family therapist offering infertility counselling for over 25 years. These are the main areas of my expertise:
- psychosocial infertility counselling for individuals and couples
- preparation for family building with the assistance of donor gametes (egg donation, sperm donation, embryo donation etc.)
- supporting parents who intend to talk to their children as well as family and friends about the donor conception of their child
- supporting couples who have experienced miscarriages, stillbirths
- couple and family therapy
- training for professionals
Many of my scientific articles are published in English and I have also written chapters for English books. I also provide many of the news in the „News“ section (scroll down) on international developments and in English. I speak English fluently and offer counselling and therapy in English. If you are interested in counselling, training or in books and articles on infertility counselling, feel free to browse through the various sections of my website. If interested, you can contact me by telephone or email. If you subscribe my „News“, you can read about new books, TV shows, radio contributions etc. – in German and sometimes in English.
Enjoy reading my website,
Dr. Petra Thorn
Are you interested in numbers?
Here some about me:
Years experience in infertility counselling
Books and scientific articles
Trainings for professionals
Reviews for journals
Participation in conferences
Contributions to radio and TV
Dedication to infertility counselling
News about „Infertility“
Whenever I come across some news worth reporting I post them here on my website. These include new books, announcements about radio and TV contributions as well as interesting articles from abroad in English. You can subscribe these news, see on the right „subsribe News“.en.
If you scroll to the very bottom of this page, you can read all news.
For Individuals and Couples
seeking support
I known that it is not easy to experience a crisis and to find out that you do not have sufficient resources to master this crisis on your own. Infertility can be such a crisis. If your wish for a child is not fulfilled and you are considering medical treatment, counselling can help you to be informed about all medical and non-medical options of building a family. Counselling can also support your decision-making for or against medical treatment. If you decide to undergo treatment, it can help you to survive the emotional roller-coaster. Last but not least, it is important for some to draw limits, to decide when to stop treatment and to develop an alternative life plan. Click the sections below to find out more (these sections are all in German):
- General information on therapy and counselling and details about infertility counselling (Allgemeine Hinweise zu Therapie und Beratung)
- General information about family building with egg and semen donation (Allgemeines zur Familienbildung mit Samen- oder Eizellspende)
- Information seminars for family building with egg and semen donation (Informationsseminare zur Familienbildung mit Samen- und Eizellspende) and for parents with children conceived via third party reproduction
- Books for family building with medical assistance (Bücher zur Familienbildung mit medizinischer Unterstützung)
- News on infertility
There are many Links to external websites with information on infertility, egg donation and donor insemination, also in other countries. And you can establish contact to others experiencing infertility and to families following egg and sperm donation – for many, this contact helps to normalize feelings and to find out about others‘ experiences.
Impressionen of my practice
For colleagues
If you are interested in professional information on infertility counselling and psychosocial aspects of infertility, have a look at these sections:
- Training for general as well as specialized infertility counselling (i.e. gamete donation etc.) is offered by the Training Institute of the German Society for Fertility Counselling – BKiD
- For books on family building with medical asssistance, see FamART
- Here you find booksI have written, edited or co-authored
- Here you find scientific articles I have authors or co-authored, presentations and trainings I have conducted for professionals in Germany and abroad
- Here you find some contributions I have made to journals, radio and TV
If you are interested in training possibilities or would like to ask me for presentations, feel free to ring me or send me an email.
What has enveloped from my work as an infertility counsellor …
You can download the current FamART Catalogue – just click on the illustration.
News about „infertility“ etc.
Neues Buch: Die Kunst der Familienbildung
Zusammen mit Iolanda Rodino aus Australien arbeite ich zurzeit an einem neuen Buchprojekt mit dem Titel „Die Kunst der Familienbildung - Portraits von Familien, die sich mithilfe Dritter gebildet haben“. Es wird ein deutsch-englisches Buch werden, in dem wir Familien...
online Tagung: Kinderlosigkeit – Traum oder Trauma?
Gestern Abend fand die online Tagung "Kinderlosigkeit - Traum oder Trauma" in Braunschweig statt. Organisiert wurde diese Tagung von der Technische Universität Braunschweig. Gemeinsam mit Regina Töpfer (Autorin des gerade erschienen Buches "Kinderlosigkeit. Ersehnte,...
Neues Buch: Herzensmütter
Vor kurzem ist das Buch "Herzensmütter" von Ilka Sterebogen erschienen. Es wendet sich vor allem an diejenigen, deren Kinderwunsch nicht in Erfüllung gegangen ist. Hier ein Interview mit der Autorin.
Sehr guter Artikel über die Bedeutung des AMH-Spiegels
Von Dr. Elmar Breitbach ist auf www.wunschkinder.net ein sehr ausführlicher Artikel über die Bedeutung des AMH-Spiegels erschienen. Hier kann man ihn lesen.
IKK Nord schreibt zu unerfülltem Kinderwunsch
Mit künstlicher Befruchtung zum Familienglück: Eine sensible Zeit voller Möglichkeiten - so lautet ein kurzer Artikel der IKK Nord, für den auch ich interviewt wurde. Hier können Sie den Artikel lesen.
Ein Interview zur Kinderwunschberatung: Anne Hardy hat mit mir darüber gesprochen
Hier ein Interview zur Kinderwunschberatung, das Anne Hardy mit mir geführt hat. Hier zum Interview.
Study by Susan Golombok: The psychological wellbeing of ART children: what have we learned from 40 years of research?
Here the link to the summary of a new overview on families after ART in different family constellations. The summary: "It is concluded that the quality of family relationships and the wider social environment matter more for children's psychological wellbeing than the...
Kostenfreie Info-Briefe für Familien nach Samenspende etc.: über 500 Mal heruntergeladen!
Über 500 Info-Briefe heruntergeladen! Anfang Mai habe ich in meinem Verlag FamART Info-Briefe für unterschiedliche Familienzusammensetzungen veröffentlicht: für Familien mit Solo-Müttern und Kindern nach Samenspende, für Familien mit heterosexuellen Eltern und Kindern...
An Interview with Barry Stevens, who has just produced another film on donor conception
Here an interview with Barry Stevens, whose new film on donor conception will be released in Canada tomorrow. Here the interview.
WHO Key Facts on Infertility
The WHO has just announced key facts on infertility, including that infertility is a DISEASE of the male and female reproductive system. The key facts are worth looking at to have some basic understand of infertility. Here the link to WHO.
The world’s biggest family – new film by Barry Stevens
Some years ago, Barry Stevens turned the search for his sperm donor into a documentary which won several awards. He later found out who his donor was - and he found out that he had several hundreds of half-siblings. Now, his new film has been released in Canada. I...
Beitrag zum Thema „Trauer“
Auf N-TV ist heute ein Artikel zum Thema "Trauer" erschienen. Zwar befasst sich dieser Artikel mit der Trauer um Personen, die gelebt haben. Aber vieles aus diesem Artikel ist auch auf die Trauer bei unerfülltem Kinderwunsch übertragbar. Und viele Empfehlungen können...
Schwangerschaften zu Zeiten von Corona
Viele Paare fragen sich, ob sie denn im Moment eine reproduktionsmedizinische Behandlung angehen können oder ob sie besser warten, bis Corona abgeklungen ist. Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dieser Fragen. Hier die Zusammenfassung (aus: Hagenbeck, C., Pecks, U., Fehm,...
Here an interesting article on infertility and its implications for couples written by my colleague Giuliana Baccino: THE IMPACT OF FERTILITY TREATMENT ON YOUR RELATIONSHIP AND SEX LIFE Like it or not, fertility treatments affect couples, and if you are one of...
IVF: Klassische Stimulation im Vergleich zu „natural cycle“ IVF
Ich werde in meiner Praxis immer wieder von Klienten gefragt, ob es in manchen Situationen nicht besser sei, eine IVF in einem nicht oder kaum stimulierte Zyklus durchzuführen. Die folgende Studie kommt zu diesem Schluss (von Wolff & Magaton, I. Klassische IVF vs....
ZDF-Film über Kinderwunsch
Gestern Abend wurde der Film "Mein Traum vom Kind - was moderne Medizin möglich macht" ausgestrahlt. Er zeigt die Portraits mehrerer Paare mit unterschiedlichen Geschichten. Der Film kann in der Mediathek angeschaut werden.
Whenever I come across some news worth reporting I post them here on my website. These include new books, announcements about radio and TV contributions as well as interesting articles from abroad in English. You can subscribe these news, see on the right „subsribe News“.