Dr. Petra Thorn | Langener Str. 37 | 64546 Mörfelden |06105 22629 | mail@pthorn.de | You can reach me best between 9.00 and 12.00 a.m.
Contact Form
Welcome !
I have been working as a family therapist offering infertility counselling for over 25 years. These are the main areas of my expertise:
- psychosocial infertility counselling for individuals and couples
- preparation for family building with the assistance of donor gametes (egg donation, sperm donation, embryo donation etc.)
- supporting parents who intend to talk to their children as well as family and friends about the donor conception of their child
- supporting couples who have experienced miscarriages, stillbirths
- couple and family therapy
- training for professionals
Many of my scientific articles are published in English and I have also written chapters for English books. I also provide many of the news in the „News“ section (scroll down) on international developments and in English. I speak English fluently and offer counselling and therapy in English. If you are interested in counselling, training or in books and articles on infertility counselling, feel free to browse through the various sections of my website. If interested, you can contact me by telephone or email. If you subscribe my „News“, you can read about new books, TV shows, radio contributions etc. – in German and sometimes in English.
Enjoy reading my website,
Dr. Petra Thorn
Are you interested in numbers?
Here some about me:
Years experience in infertility counselling
Books and scientific articles
Trainings for professionals
Reviews for journals
Participation in conferences
Contributions to radio and TV
Dedication to infertility counselling
News about „Infertility“
Whenever I come across some news worth reporting I post them here on my website. These include new books, announcements about radio and TV contributions as well as interesting articles from abroad in English. You can subscribe these news, see on the right „subsribe News“.en.
If you scroll to the very bottom of this page, you can read all news.
For Individuals and Couples
seeking support
I known that it is not easy to experience a crisis and to find out that you do not have sufficient resources to master this crisis on your own. Infertility can be such a crisis. If your wish for a child is not fulfilled and you are considering medical treatment, counselling can help you to be informed about all medical and non-medical options of building a family. Counselling can also support your decision-making for or against medical treatment. If you decide to undergo treatment, it can help you to survive the emotional roller-coaster. Last but not least, it is important for some to draw limits, to decide when to stop treatment and to develop an alternative life plan. Click the sections below to find out more (these sections are all in German):
- General information on therapy and counselling and details about infertility counselling (Allgemeine Hinweise zu Therapie und Beratung)
- General information about family building with egg and semen donation (Allgemeines zur Familienbildung mit Samen- oder Eizellspende)
- Information seminars for family building with egg and semen donation (Informationsseminare zur Familienbildung mit Samen- und Eizellspende) and for parents with children conceived via third party reproduction
- Books for family building with medical assistance (Bücher zur Familienbildung mit medizinischer Unterstützung)
- News on infertility
There are many Links to external websites with information on infertility, egg donation and donor insemination, also in other countries. And you can establish contact to others experiencing infertility and to families following egg and sperm donation – for many, this contact helps to normalize feelings and to find out about others‘ experiences.
Impressionen of my practice
For colleagues
If you are interested in professional information on infertility counselling and psychosocial aspects of infertility, have a look at these sections:
- Training for general as well as specialized infertility counselling (i.e. gamete donation etc.) is offered by the Training Institute of the German Society for Fertility Counselling – BKiD
- For books on family building with medical asssistance, see FamART
- Here you find booksI have written, edited or co-authored
- Here you find scientific articles I have authors or co-authored, presentations and trainings I have conducted for professionals in Germany and abroad
- Here you find some contributions I have made to journals, radio and TV
If you are interested in training possibilities or would like to ask me for presentations, feel free to ring me or send me an email.
What has enveloped from my work as an infertility counsellor …
You can download the current FamART Catalogue – just click on the illustration.
News about „infertility“ etc.
An example of altuisitic surrogacy: Woman carries baby for her gay brother
Woman delivers baby who is both daughter and niece - here more
Bezeichnung „Kinderwunschtee“ ist unzulässig
Die Bezeichnung "Kinderwunschtee" ist irreführend und daher nicht zulässig - so hat m.E. zu Recht das OLG Köln geurteilt.
Changes in Dutsch legislation: 4 parents are possible
DUTCH KIDS can have up to 4 parents, according to recent legal changes. Here more.
Social Freezing, Samen- und Eizellspende
In der Süddeutschen Zeitung ist heute (16.7.2019) auf S. 22 ein großer Beitrag zu den o.a. Themen erschienen. Der Beitrag basiert auf einer Tagung zu Social Freezing, die am 3.7.2019 in München stattgefunden hat und zu der ich als Referentin geladen war.
Was macht Mutterschaft aus?
Hier ein Artikel in der Zeit zu Mutterschaft, Eizellspende, Embryonenverwechselungen und Leihmutterschaft.
Jahrestreffen des Arbeitskreises Donogene Insemination e.V.
Am Samstag, dem 16. November findet von 9.00 bis12.00 Uhr die diesjährige Tagung des Arbeitskreises Donogene Insemination e.V. statt. Ort: Berlin, Intercity Hotel Hauptbahnhof, Katharina Paulus Str. 5 Hier das Programm 9.00 Uhr bis 12.00 Uhr (CME-Punkte bei der...
„Falsches“ Baby
Im Rahmen einer künstlichen Befruchtung wurden Embryonen vertauscht, hier näheres.
Neues Aufklärungsbuch für Kinder nach Embryonenspende
Zurzeit schreibe ich an einem Buch für Kinder nach Embryonenspende. Wie die anderen Aufklärungsbücher hat Tiziana Rinaldi wieder neue Bilder hinzugesteuert. Ich suche noch nach einer Familie, die einen Erfahrungsbericht zur Embryonenspende beitragen würden. Wenn Sie...
Zwei Frauen berichten über ihre Familienplanung
In der Zeitschrift NEON wurde folgender Beitrag über junge Frauen und Kinderwunsch veröffentlicht: Junge Frauen und Kinderwunsch – zwischen Lust auf Freiheit und unerfüllten Hoffnungen
Fernsehbeitrag im ORF zu Samenspende
Vor kurzem lief im ORF dieser Beitrag zum Thema "Samenspende" . Auch ich wurde dafür interviewt. Bei FamART gibt es den o.a. Ratgeber zum Thema!
More and more gay couples and single women opt for IVF
Here some numbers from the UK.
Surrogacy reforms in the UK
In the UK, surrogacy legislation is deemed unfit for current family building options and there will be a reform. Here more.
Artikel „Ich bin das Kind eines Samenspenders“
Hier zum o.a. Artikel in "Glamour", für den auch ich kurz interviewt wurde.
Informationsportal des Familienministeriums
Das Familienministerium pflegt bereits seit einiger Zeit ein Informationsportal zum Thema "Kinderwunsch". Hier können Sie die Seiten einsehen.
Zum Wert des AMH-Werts
Hier zu einem aufschlussreichen und kurzen Artikel von Michael Ludwig zur Aussagekraft des AMH-Wertes.
Social Freezing
Hier zu einem aktuellen Artikel zu Social Freezing
Whenever I come across some news worth reporting I post them here on my website. These include new books, announcements about radio and TV contributions as well as interesting articles from abroad in English. You can subscribe these news, see on the right „subsribe News“.